Sunday, February 5, 2012

Food for the sick liver

Nutrition in acute inflammation of the liver

Patients return to normal given, usually liquid or mechanically pulverized diet, but without any sharp spices and less animal and more vegetable fats. Especially note the Podhranjen patients to ensure they are eating the required amounts of all nutrients, especially essential. When liquid diet or soft diet must avoid foods that cause bloating. Acutely inflamed liver is particularly sensitive to alcohol, and it is strictly prohibited and not recommended either by smoking status of patients particularly difficult.

Food patients with chronic liver disease / hepatitis B and C /

In chronic liver disease, until normal function was held, did not need a special diet other than the avoidance of alcohol along with a healthy balanced diet. Upon the occurrence of liver damage normal light diet and avoid alcohol is required.
The diet of patients with chronic liver disease is recommended lean chicken, beef, veal, lamb and fish, and you should avoid the consumption of cured meats, pork, sausage, fattened geese and ducks, and fatty fish. The food should boil, simmer or bake, avoid frying, frying. As a side dish can be served all kinds of pasta and rice, and white, black or corn bread. Not recommended fried noodles and it is rich yeast.
Since vegetables are recommended: potatoes, spinach, lettuce, carrots, beets, chard, kohlrabi, cauliflower, asparagus and cooked, braised and served as a salad. It is recommended to avoid beans, cabbage, pickled and fresh herbs, onions, cucumbers, garlic and paprika.
Since priority is given to fat vegetable oil, margarine, low-fat cream, and definitely avoid butter and other fats.
In preparing food are permitted spices: parsley, lemon, dill, basil, white vinegar, a strictly forbidden pepper, mustard, cayenne pepper and other strong spices.
Since milk and milk products should be selected cottage cheese, and nonfat yogurt, and avoid fatty and dry cheeses.
Fruit is the healthiest fresh take, but it could be boiled or mashed. What you should definitely avoid the greasy pastries, rich walnuts, almonds and chocolate, and give preference to  biscuits.
The drink is recommended to take a mild tea / mint and camomile / other teas are not allowed, prepared natural juices. Avoid fizzy drinks and alcohol and spirits.

The advantage of light normal diet is that it does not cause unpleasant symptoms such as fullness, pain, nausea, bloating, diarrhea, which may occur after a meal.


In patients at risk of occurrence of liver where / encephalopathy / diet is necessary to prevent the accumulation of ammonia in the body.
Therefore, reducing the intake of proteins, which are brought food.
However, it is necessary to bring small amounts of protein, while the preferred protein contained in the low-fat milk and dairy products and proteins of plant origin. It is also important to ensure a sufficient amount of UH patients, to ensure sufficient amount of energy the body.
Therefore, the recommended diet foods such as rice, noodles and other low-fat pasta, potatoes boiled and mashed potatoes, wheat and corn grits, cereal, sweet milk dishes and puddings, low fat cookies, pureed vegetables and fruit (without peel and seeds ), and the Stale bread and toast.
Patients who have already developed hepatic coma is usually treated in a hospital, a diet is done by direct infusion into the bloodstream of special preparations / parenteral nutrition /

Nutrition in patients icteric stage of the disease is normal calorie which totals 3,000 Kcal.
Representation of carbohydrates is 350 - 500 g, 70-75 g of fat, protein, 120-150 g., vitamin B complex in optimal amounts, 150g of vitamin C and vitamin A, mineral salts (increase intake of Ca and K).
Grain - white bread or toast, yeast, milk and dairy products (acidic dairy beverages), tender cooked lean meat, fish, boiled eggs.
Since fats are allowed a small amount of butter or oil
Vegetables - with a little more starch with cellulose in the form of puree.
Fruit - Fruit juices of fresh fruits, cooked dried fruit (stewed, etc.).
Sugar-concentrates only moderate amounts of sugar and sweets D
drinks - mineral water, tea is prohibited except mint and chamomile
Daily meals should be divided into 5 parts.

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