The food that loves my liver
Nature was very generous when it came to his fingers, kidneys, eyes ... but unfortunately we did not endowed with a spare liver. Liver disease can be found at the tenth place when we talk about the causes of death, and therefore deserves much more attention than it currently pays. The liver is the "quiet authority", I protested, and was largely ignored until something goes seriously wrong.
The physiological functions of the liver
The liver is the largest gland in the human body and also the only internal organ that can regenerate. The liver has many important functions, the most important is the secretion of bile.Bile is stored in the gall bladder and secreted during digestion. This liquid is necessary for the breakdown of fats and helps in the absorption of substances soluble in fats, including fat-soluble vitamins - A, D, E and K. Known is the role of bile in the assimilation of calcium, and the conversion of beta carotene into vitamin A.
The absorption of nutrients takes place as part of a large participation of the liver. All substances that enter the body coming to the liver, which are classified as toxins and other molecules. Strong system of detoxification medication and the liver converts toxins into molecules that can be eliminated from the body via the kidneys (urine) or intestines (feces). The liver is responsible for the synthesis of most proteins that circulate in the blood, and is the organ that plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels. Physical needs for glucose recorded in the liver, and glucose provides an organism or food digestion breakdown of glycogen - the storage of sugar in the liver and muscles. With prolonged fasting, when it is not possible to ensure blood glucose digestion and reserves in the liver are consumed, the liver starts the process by which amino acids or other molecules of glucose occurs. Fat metabolism is also closely related to the liver. Cholesterol in the liver occurs, and also be delivered to the liver and cholesterol from the blood. The elimination of cholesterol from the liver occurs via the bile.
After a brief insight into a truly sizable number of liver function, ask yourself how much you are actually good for his liver. If you specify it by entering the daily loads of different drugs, alcohol, food additives and excessive amounts of fat? "Toxic", a modern lifestyle that is characterized by pollution, stress, poor nutrition, indiscriminate use of drugs affects the liver, and is sometimes said that the liver is a mirror of our health. However, most people do not develop during the life of "classical" liver disease like hepatitis, cirrhosis or hepatitis. The modern population is much more common "subclinical" liver dysfunction.
In this situation neither optimal nor flawless food digestion process does not ensure an adequate supply of cell nutrients, due to lower conversion of input of nutrients into usable forms in the liver.
Symptoms of "subclinical" liver dysfunction may include a spectrum of disorders such as chronic fatigue, depression, frequent headaches, insomnia, mood swings, PMS. Already during the early forties of last century, dr. Morton Biskind, in medical journals describing the endocrine premenstrual syndrome as a result of inadequate deactivation of estrogen in the liver that is in short supply B vitamins and protein. Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, liver dysfunction, fat intolerance, bloating, and diarrhea episodes in prison and loss of appetite.
Risk factors that should be noted
Frequent consumption of large amounts of fatty and fried foods and / or "junk food-a." Foods like French fries, donuts and chips, the source of lipid peroxides (užeglih fats) that are toxic to the liver. Lipid peroxides have a strong immunosuppressive effect and damage the liver cell membrane. Fats that should give priority to the cold-pressed oils such as olive and pumpkin.
Excessive coffee consumption. Kavi is attributed to a number of positive and nagativna properties. In such a slippery slope it is safe to be moderate in order to ensure the body potential positive effects, and prevent adverse effects. Coffee is often treated during the breeding large quantities of pesticides, and during coffee roasting products formed carcinogens.All these compounds must be converted into harmless compounds in the liver during detoxification. Known is the story of writer Johann Wolfgang Goethe, who admired maker in his youth, and when he is old he endured. Biochemical background stories of JW Goethe lies in the "exhaustion of the liver," or at a reduced level of enzymes needed to break down caffeine. This phenomenon is common in elderly people, and joined her, and decreased kidney function, and the substances that must be expelled from the body retain more than in younger patients.
Excessive alcohol consumption. Alcohol is degraded in the liver and excessive alcohol consumption conditional unconditional damage to the brain, liver, pancreas, duodenum and central nervous system. Alcoholism causes metabolic damage to every cell in the body and reduces immune system function. Frequent consumption of alcohol interferes with the production of digestive enzymes in the liver, causing reduced absorption of fat, protein and vitamins soluble in fats and B vitamins (especially vitamin B1 and folic acid). Toxic effect of alcohol on the liver involves the accumulation of fat in the liver (fatty liver), the possibility of hepatitis (inflammatory changes in liver cells), and the occurrence of liver cirrhosis.
Smoking. The negative effects of cigarette smoke on lung unfair to say much more than the effects of smoking on the liver. Tobacco smoke is rich in toxic compounds - benzapirenom, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, cyanide, tar, acetaldehyde, acrolein, etc.. All these compounds into the bloodstream of smokers, and the task of the liver is the detoxification of each compound. You recognized that the task is not easy.
Toxins. Traces of pesticides in food accumulate in the liver and can cause chronic liver damage.It is very important to thoroughly monitor the food treated with pesticides, to avoid undesirable toxic compounds. Insecticides, and additives should also be avoided.
Oral contraceptives. The liver of a woman who has a deficiency of vitamin B group and / or protein tend to turn into non-toxic form of estrogen - estriol, and remains in the form of liver toxic estradiol. Elevated levels of estradiol is associated with emotional disorders such as unstable mood and obsessive - compulsive behavior.
Drugs. Medication burden the liver, as are foreign and unnatural substances to the organism.These substances are forcing the liver to the "overtime" and recommended a selective approach to drugs.
Foods like our liver
The liver is in constant interplay with organs such as kidneys, gall bladder, thyroid, pancreas, and lower part of the digestive system. It is therefore important to provide nutrition that will act favorably on all the internal organs and the systemic health of man. For liver health is unusually important to the proper function of the kidneys, and it is advisable to include in your diet fruits and vegetables rich in potassium, like bananas, almonds, tomatoes, raisins, plums, and provide daily required amount of water (1-2 liters a day). The traditional approach of "cleaning" the liver is regularly drinking the juices of vegetables like carrots, beetroot, radicchio and dandelion.
Overeating is one of the most common cause of reduced liver function. Intemperance in eating and drinking on the liver also makes "overtime" work, a tired liver is not as effective in detoxification of harmful substances such as liver relieved.
Artichoke is a vegetable that belongs to the family of composite, along with herbs milk thistle and burdock. Their common feature is the high proportion of substance silymarin and inulin with zaštitan effect on the liver. Regular consumption of artichoke stimulates liver function and reduces blood fat and cholesterol in the blood, and this effect may be to thank the high percentage of substance cinarina.
Cinarin and caffeic acid, a substance which is rich artichoke, in experiments on animals have proven to be effective hepatoprotective compounds. Inulin, neprobaljivi carbohydrates, has a mild laxative effect and helps with constipation. Liver health is dependent on regular bowel movement, and in periods of imprisonment greater burden on the liver. Inulin is also food for the "good" bacteria in the colon, and encouraging their growth and activity suppresses the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the colon. Thereby reducing the level of toxins that reach the liver, and is held and the health of the whole organism.
The medicinal properties of garlic have been known since ancient times. The ancient Roman writer Pliny described the garlic as a cure for 61 medical conditions. With a well-known antibacterial and antiviral activity, the active substances in garlic reduce levels of "bad" cholesterol and raise levels of "good" cholesterol. Garlic contains sulfur compounds that help in detoxification of harmful metals such as mercury, and it is this effect indirectly responsible for the beneficial effects on the liver.
Apples and Pears
This fruit is rich in pectin, dietary fiber soluble in water, which proved to be a means of slightly lowering blood cholesterol levels in several controlled trials. Pectin binds to bile acids, which helps in lowering cholesterol. It is useful to include in your diet and other foods rich in soluble dietary fiber, like oats, rice, plums, citrus, beans, and brussels sprouts.
Foods like beans, soy beans are rich in amino acid arginine, which helps in the detoxification of ammonia, toxic by-product generated during protein breakdown. Just place the liver in which this process of detoxification of ammonia.
And bitter greens
Radicchio, arugula, collards, and all dark green leafy vegetables are an excellent source of chlorophyll and other phytochemicals that possess a number of positive impacts on health.
Chlorophyll acts as a "cleaner" blood and liver, and numerous antioxidants protect against the destructive effects of free radicals.
Diet that actually likes our liver is the diet that you should follow everyone who wants to take best of the best. In situations where the liver is damaged and in chronic liver disease with all the tips listed should be careful to enter a sequence of nutrients, like vitamins B, C and E, and some amino acids.
The best-known medicinal herb that is used in diseases of the liver or the sikavica osljebad (Sylibum marianum), and the active substance that is responsible for the positive effects of this plant is silymarin. Silymarin is a flavonoid that is being investigated as a potential aid in all forms of liver disease. The standard daily dose that was used in most experiments was 420 mg. In studies of viral hepatitis in the silymarin used in combination with phosphatidyl - choline.Controlled studies have yielded different results, but the looming effectiveness of this substance in reducing liver damage. It is necessary to conduct more studies on larger number of participants, which will confirm the effectiveness of these agents in the treatment of chronic liver disease.
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