The liver is the largest, and in some ways the most complex, organ in the body. One of its main function is degradation of harmful substances that are absorbed from the intestine or produced anywhere in the body, and their excretion as a harmless by-products into bile or blood.
Byproducts that are found in bile entering the intestine, then leave the body of a chair. Byproducts that are found in the blood is filtered in the kidneys and then leave the body through urine.
The liver produces about half of the body of cholesterol. The rest comes from food. About 80% of cholesterol the liver makes it is used for the production of bile. Cholesterol is an important part of life for each cell (cell) membrane and is required for the construction of certain hormones, including estrogen, testosterone and adrenal hormones.
The liver also converts substances in food probavljenoj in protein, fat and carbohydrates. Sugars are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen and then split and when required in the form of glucose released into the bloodstream, for example. when glucose levels become too low.
The second function of the liver is the creation (synthesis) of many important compounds, especially proteins that the body uses to perform its functions. Among these substances are necessary for blood clotting when bleeding.These substances are known as clotting factors.
The liver receives blood from the intestines and the heart. Small capillaries in the intestinal wall drain into the portal vein entering the liver. Blood then flows through the grid of fine ducts in the liver where processing digested food ingredients and all harmful substances. Hepatic artery carries blood to the liver from the heart. The blood carries oxygen to liver tissue, as such, as well as cholesterol and other substances for processing. Blood from the gut and heart are mixed and the hepatic vein flow back to the heart.
Abnormalities in liver function can be roughly divided into two groups: those caused by poor function of the liver cells (such as cirrhosis or hepatitis) and one caused by preventing the flow of bile from the liver through the biliary system (such as gallstones or cancer).
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