Monday, March 12, 2012

Hepatic encephalopathy

Hepatic encephalopathy (also called portal-systemic encephalopathy, hepatic encephalopathy or hepatic coma) is a disorder in which brain function deteriorates because they accumulate in the blood of toxic substances, which would normally remove the liver.

Substances absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestine pass through the liver, where toxins are removed. In hepatic encephalopathy toxins are not removed, because the damaged liver. In addition, since the connections are created between the portal system and the general blood circulation (as a result of liver disease), some poisons can completely bypass the liver. The same effect can have bypass surgery that is built to improve portal hypertension (porto-systemic shunt). Whatever the cause, the outcome is the same: to get the poisons can damage the brain and its functions. What substances are toxic to the brain is not fully known, however, seems to be a role with high levels of degradation products of proteins, such as ammonia.

In people with long-term liver disease trigger encephalopathy is usually an event, eg. acute infection or a party where the drinking large quantities of alcohol, which increases the already existing liver damage. The trigger may be taking a lot of foods rich in protein which increases the level of their degradation products in the blood. The accumulation of degradation products of proteins, which can directly damage the brain, can cause bleeding in the digestive system such as that from esophageal varices. Some medicines, especially some sedatives, analgesics and diuretics, can also be a trigger for the formation of encephalopathy. When the causative factor is removed, the encephalopathy may disappear.

Symptoms and diagnosis

Symptoms of hepatic encephalopathy as a result of reduced brain function, particularly impaired consciousness. In the earliest stages appear slight changes in logical thinking, personality and behavior. There may be changes in the patient's mood disorder and judgment.

With the disorder progresses, the person usually becomes drowsy and confused, a speech and movements become sluggish. It is a common confusion. A person with encephalopathy may be agitated and excited, but not often.Epileptic seizures are also rare. Finally, a person can lose consciousness and fall into a coma.

Symptoms of the damaged brain function in people with liver disease provide a strong key to the diagnosis. Person's breath can have a sweet smell. When a person stretched out arms, hands can not keep still, but shows a rough shaking (tremor).

The early diagnosis of hepatic encephalopathy may aid EEG (electroencephalogram). It shows abnormal brain waves, even in mild cases. Blood tests usually show abnormally high levels of ammonia.


The doctor asks and seeks to remove the cause, such as infection or medication that a person takes. The doctor is also trying to remove the hose from toxic substances. Removed from the diet is protein, a major source of carbohydrate calories become taken orally (by mouth) or given intravenously. Synthetic sugar (lactulose), taken orally (by mouth), has three beneficial effects: it removes the acidity of the intestine by changing the type of bacteria present, reduces the absorption of ammonia and acts as a laxative.

They can be given and enema to clean. Sometimes a person instead of lactulose may take an antibiotic, neomycin.Neomycin reduces the intestinal bacteria that normally help to digest protein.

Hepatic encephalopathy is often the treatment can recover. In fact a full recovery is possible, especially if the encephalopathy was precipitated some fixable cause. However, the difficult people in a coma, which is the result of an acute inflammation of the liver, a condition in spite of intensive treatment in 80% of fatalities. 

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