The liver, the largest gland in our body is the only internal organ that can regenerate. Liver disease are at tenth place as a cause of death, and deserves far more attention than it currently pays. There are many great features that every day that we shall preserve life and health:
* Has a key role in processing the food we eat,
* In the process of detoxification, protecting us from harmful effects of many toxins we are exposed
All materials that come into the body to the liver, which are classified as toxins and other molecules. Strong system of detoxification medication and the liver converts toxins into molecules that can be eliminated from the body via the urine or feces. Performed the synthesis of most proteins that circulate in the blood and plays a key role in regulating blood sugar levels. Body needs glucose are reported in the liver, and glucose provides the body digest food or degradation of glycogen - sugar deposited in the liver and muscles. With prolonged fasting, when it is not possible to ensure blood glucose digestion and reserves in the liver are spent, starts the process by which the amino acids or other molecules of glucose occurs. Fat metabolism also depends heavily on the liver. It occurs cholesterol, and cholesterol from the blood arrives. The elimination of cholesterol from the liver is performed via the bile.
When we are good your liver?
I bore the daily intake of drugs, alcohol, food additives and neumerenih fat? Modern lifestyle, full of pollution, stress, bad food, a large amount of drugs taken at random, as it leaves a mark on the liver. Therefore, it is said that the liver is a mirror of our health. However, most people in life do not get the usual liver disease like hepatitis, cirrhosis or hepatitis.
Neither optimal nutrition, or digestion does not provide impeccable good nutrition when cells entered weaken processing food into usable forms in the liver.
What to look for
Not agree with the liver often taking large amounts of fatty and processed foods and / or "fast food". Fried potatoes, donuts, chips, etc. are the source užeglih fat, toxic to the liver. These substances damage the membranes of liver cells. Trans-unsaturated fatty acids should be taken in moderation, because all artificially made fats such as margarine, may have a bad effect on the heart and blood vessels, and have been shown to suppress the production of substances that protect the liver from inflammation. Fats that should be given priority are: cold-pressed oils such as olive oil and pumpkin seeds.
Coffee, yes, but moderately
How coffee is attributed to a number of positive and nagativna properties, moderation is the safest. Coffee is often treated during breeding large quantities of pesticides. During roasting caused carcinogenic products. All these compounds must be converted into harmless substances in the liver. For example, one of the stories about the Johann Wolfgang Goths, who adored his coffee in his youth, and when he is old he endured. Biochemical background of the story of Goethe lies in the "exhaustion of the liver," at a reduced level of enzymes needed to break down caffeine. This phenomenon is common in older people, which is due to reduced renal function of matter that should be eliminated from the body retain more than in young adults.
How bothered alcohol?
Alcohol is degraded in the liver. Excessive alcohol consumption damages the brain, liver, pancreas, duodenum and central nervous system. Alcohol causes metabolic damage to every cell in the body and reduces immune function.More than one cup a day interferes with the production of digestive enzymes in the liver and the absorption of fat, protein and vitamin group B. Toxic effect of alcohol on the liver involves the accumulation of fat in the liver (fatty liver), the possibility of hepatitis (inflammatory changes in liver cells), and the occurrence of liver cirrhosis.
How smoking affects?
Much more notable is that cigarette smoke affects the lungs, although it is unfair to the liver, to which also reflects the harm. How? Cigarette smoke is rich in toxic compounds which enter the blood of smokers, and the task of the liver is the detoxification of each compound. This is not an easy task.
Traces of pesticides in food accumulate in the liver is chronic and can cause damage. It is very important to thoroughly monitor the food that is grown with pesticides, to be washed and some of the toxic compounds.Insecticides, and additives should also be avoided.
They burden the liver, because they are foreign and unnatural substances to the organism. They force the liver to the "overtime" and recommended a selective approach to therapy.
What is fatty liver?
Fatty liver usually do not create problems or cause only pain right upper quadrant due to the increase of the liver.In patients with cirrhosis leads to anorexia, weakness, fatigue, nausea and sometimes vomiting.
The main causes of fatty liver are obesity, alcoholism, diabetes iii. The result is the accumulation of fat in the liver that exceeds 5% of the total weight of liver tissue. The cause numerous congenital and acquired disorders of fat metabolism.
Causes may be:
* Drugs and toxins (alcohol, corticosteroids, contraceptives)
* Nutritional causes (obesity, diabetes, starvation, fat metabolism disorders, pancreatic disease, inflammatory bowel disease)
* Hereditary diseases (cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, Wilson's disease)
* Viral diseases (hepatitis C).
It has long been thought that this condition is not dangerous and do not progress to disease. New findings show that it can be very serious and lead to cirrhosis of the liver. The most commonly diagnosed by ultrasound abdomen and laboratory values of elevated liver function tests. Treatment depends on the cause. In most cases it is useful to weight reduction and discontinuation of substances that lead to fatty liver, which leads to the improvement of the findings.
What is NASH?
Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis usually occurs in obese middle aged women, in diabetics and people with elevated blood lipids. This disease of the liver makes changes identical to those that occur in alcohol-induced liver disease, and occurs in those who do not consume alcohol.
It is assumed that the cause of most earlier NASH cirrhosis of the liver, which he did not know the cause. What is a health problem can be represented by the fact that the U.S. expects 4 million people with cirrhosis caused by NASH. Risk factors for NASH are divided into two categories: drugs and toxins, genetic and acquired disorders of metabolism.
NASH has a majority of patients without symptoms and is usually discovered accidentally when blood tests are done in the systematic review. Patients sometimes complain of fatigue, malaise, pain, right upper quadrant. It is common to find people with such enlargement of the liver and spleen and less frequently.
It has been shown that NASH, if untreated, leads to cirrhosis of the liver.
No specific therapies, but seeks to better weight control and disorders of fat and sugar, avoiding toxic medications.
When it is cirrhosis of the liver
Cirrhosis is a chronic liver disease that leads to material changes of liver tissue, blood vessels and cells of the liver that can cause jaundice, high blood pressure in the veins of the liver, the appearance of free fluid in the abdominal cavity, impaired consciousness and stagnation of the liver.
The causes of cirrhosis are divided into:
1) Viral hepatitis (B, C, D)
2) Metabolic diseases (hemochromatosis, Wilson's disease, cystic fibrosis, galactosemia, porphyria)
3) diseases of the biliary tract (obstruction of the biliary tract stones, tumors, etc., PBC, PSC)
4) Problems in the taking of venous blood (delayed right heart, "Budd Chiari" syndrome)
5) Drugs and toxins
6) Immune Diseases
7) Other causes (NASH, sarcoidosis)
The clinical picture
In patients with cirrhosis of the liver leads to anorexia (loss of appetite and weight loss), weakness, fatigue, nausea and sometimes vomiting. Frequently occurring temperature, which is a diagnostic problem because of the need to exclude the source of infection. The temperature is usually constant, and only slightly increases. There are numerous and complex symptoms of cirrhosis of the liver:
Digestive system:
halitosis, increased zaušnih glands, enlargement of the digestive system of blood vessels with resultant bleeding, ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.
Krvotvotok: clotting disorders, anemia
Pulmonary system: a person can quickly breathe on exertion, flooding her mouth, the flow of water in the chest.
Cardiovascular system:
sheath in the pericardial effusion, rapid pulse, hypotension (pressure drop), the development of heart disease.
salt and water retention, failure of the kidney with high mortality.
Neurological system:
disorders of consciousness and peripheral neurological disorders.
Skin changes:
jaundice, redness of the palms, spidery blood vessel enlargement, changes in nails, hair loss.
Musculoskeletal abnormalities, such as loss of muscle mass, frequent herniation, osteoporosis.
The system of endocrine glands are numerous changes occur that lead to feminization, loss of libido, impotence, shrinking of the testicles, loss of menstruation, infertility, and the occurrence of diabetes in patients with liver cirrhosis treated with pills, not insulin.
In the case of liver disease without the appearance of fluid in the abdomen and bleeding therapy can be very effective. The diet involves daily 1 g protein per kilogram of patient weight, with 3 grams of salt a day. The doctor will assess the stage of cirrhosis, when drug therapy is necessary for urination and lowering the pressure in the venous bloodstream, laxatives, protein replacement levels, vitamin and antibiotic treatment.
In the case of end-stage liver cirrhosis, the only successful method with a high survival is liver transplantation.
Prevention the best therapy
In most cases, prevention means abstinence or moderate alcohol intake, avoidance of risky behavior for transmission of viral diseases and strict control of preparations of human origin used in transfusions.
Recommended preventive check-ups with testing for hepatitis B and C.
Recommended preventive check-ups with testing for hepatitis B and C.
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