Nature was very generous when it came to his fingers, kidneys, eyes ... but, unfortunately, is not endowed spare liver. Liver disease can be found at the tenth place when we talk about the causes of death, and therefore they deserve much more attention than it currently pays. The liver is the largest gland in the human body and also the only internal organ that can regenerate. The liver has many important functions, the most important is the secretion of bile.

And how you treat your liver? If you specify it by entering the daily loads of different drugs, alcohol, food additives and excessive amounts of fat? The answer is definitely yes, and your liver responds fatigue, depression, frequent headaches, insomnia, mood swings, PMS.
Even during the early 40s of last century dr. Morton Biskind described premenstrual syndrome as a result of improper deactivation of estrogens in the liver, which is deficient in vitamin B complex and protein.
Gastrointestinal symptoms include nausea, liver dysfunction, fat intolerance, bloating, and diarrhea episodes in prison and loss of appetite.
Cleaning the liver
The liver is in constant interplay with organs such as kidneys, gall bladder, thyroid, pancreas, and lower part of the digestive system. It is therefore important to provide nutrition that will act favorably on all the internal organs, and human health.
For liver health is important to proper kidney function, and it is advisable to include nutrition in fruits and vegetables rich in potassium, like bananas, almonds, tomatoes, raisins, plums, and provide the necessary daily amount of water (one to two liters a day). The traditional approach of "cleaning" the liver is regularly drinking the juices of vegetables like carrots and beets.
Overeating is one of the most common cause of reduced liver function. Intemperance in eating and drinking also makes the "overtime" work, a tired liver is not as effective in detoxification of harmful substances as well as relieved.
Regular consumption of artichoke stimulates liver function and reduces fat and cholesterol in the blood, and this effect is due the high percentage of substance cinarina.
The healing properties of garlic have been known since ancient times. It contains sulfur compounds that help in detoxification of harmful metals such as mercury, and it is this effect indirectly responsible for the beneficial effects on the liver.
Apples and pears are rich in pectin, dietary fiber soluble in water, which proved to be a means of slightly lowering blood cholesterol levels in several controlled trials.
It is useful to include in your diet and other foods rich in soluble dietary fiber such as oats, rice, plums, citrus, beans, and brussels sprouts.
With all of the above do not forget the beans and peas, and collard greens and radicchio, which are full of chlorophyll, which acts as a "cleaner" blood and liver, a number of oxidants protect against the destructive effects of free radicals.
Your liver is not before:
First fatty and fried foods, fried foods like fries, donuts, chips
Second excessive consumption of coffee
Third excessive alcohol consumption
4th smoking
5th poisons, traces of pesticides in food
6th oral contraceptives
7th medicines
Treatment plants:
The best known herb for the treatment of liver or sikavica osljebad (Sylibum marianum)
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