Laboratories can conduct various tests that assist physicians in evaluating disorders of the liver, gallbladder and biliary system. Among the most important group of blood tests known as liver function tests. Depending on the problem of patients who are suspected, the doctor may request an image search, such as ultrasound, computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging. The doctor may take a sample of liver tissue under a microscope for the search, the procedure is called a liver biopsy.
Laboratory tests of liver function
Liver function tests are done on blood samples. Most of the tests determines the level of enzymes or other substances in the blood, and thus to diagnose liver problems. One of the tests determined the blood clotting time.
TEST The test may indicate what
Alkaline phosphatase enzyme that is produced in the liver, bone, and placenta. Released when
damage or activity, such as bone growth and pregnancy.
Obstacle in water gall, liver damage and some types of cancer.
ALT enzyme that is produced in the liver and released into the blood when the liver
damaged cells.
Damage to liver cells (as in hepatitis).
AST enzyme that is released into the blood when the damaged liver, heart, muscles or
Damage to the liver, heart, muscle or brain.
Bilirubin integral component of bile that is produced in the liver.
Obstacle to the flow of bile, liver damage, a breakdown of red blood cells (one of which is made of bilirubin).
GGT enzyme produced by the liver, pancreas and kidneys, and is present in the blood when
these organs were damaged.
Organ damage, drug toxicity, alcohol abuse, pancreatic disease.
LDH enzyme found in blood when certain organs are damaged.
Damage to the liver, lungs or brain and excessive breakdown of red blood cells.
5-nucleotidase enzyme containing only the liver and occurs in the blood when its damage. Obstacle in water or damaged gall bile flow.
Albumin protein generated by the normal liver and released into the blood. One of
Albumin is a task that keeps fluid inside the blood vessels. Liver damage
Alpha-fetoprotein protein generated by the fetal liver and testes.
Severe hepatitis, liver cancer or testicular
Mitochondrial antibodies against mitochondrial antibodies in the blood circulation, the internal component
Primary biliary cirrhosis and some autoimmune diseases (such as chronic active hepatitis)
PV or PT time required for blood clotting (coagulation needed for
vitamin K and substances that the liver produces)
Liver damage or poor absorption of vitamin K deficiency caused by gallstones.
Respiratory tests
Respiratory tests measure the ability of the liver to process (metabolize) various drugs. The drug, labeled with radioactive compound, can be given by mouth or vein. The amount of radioactivity in the breath of a person is a measure of the amount of drugs processed by the liver.
Ultrasound use sound waves to create a picture of the liver, gallbladder and biliary system. The test is better for the detection of structural abnormalities such as tumors, but widespread (diffuse) abnormalities, such as cirrhosis.Cheapest, safest and most sensitive technique for imaging the gallbladder and biliary system.
Use With a doctor can easily detect gallstones in the gall bladder. Ultrasound easily distinguished jaundice caused by a water barrier in the gall of jaundice caused by poor function of liver cells. Type of ultrasound, Doppler ultrasound of vessels, can be used to show blood flow in blood vessels of the liver. The doctor may also use TO as a guide when penetrating needle to obtain tissue samples for biopsy.
Radionuclide (radioisotopic) show
Use of substances containing the radioactive compound is injected into the body, it takes a certain organ.Radioactivity is measured by gamma-camera attached to a computer that creates the image.
Scintigraphy of the liver
This is the kind of display that uses a radionuclide radioactive compound that is absorbed by the liver cells.
This radionuclide is another type of display, uses a radioactive compound that is excreted from the liver into the biliary system, is used to detect acute inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis).
CT (computed tomography)
CT can provide excellent images of the liver and is particularly useful for detecting tumors. It can detect widespread (diffuse) disorders, such as fatty liver and abnormal liver tissue density due to excessive accumulation of iron (hemochromatosis). However, since the CT radiological examinations (X-ray radiation is dangerous) that it is also expensive, not so much used as an ultrasound.
MRI (magnetic resonance)
MRI provides excellent images, similar to those obtained by CT. However, there are drawbacks: more expensive than CT, takes longer than other imaging methods and requires lying in a narrow chamber, which in some people causes claustrophobia.
Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
This is a search for which an endoscope (a flexible viewing tube) is placed in the mouth through the stomach and duodenum (duodenum) and the biliary system. Radiocontrast material is then injected into the bile ducts of the system and make radiographs. In 3% - 5% of the test causes inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis).
Percutaneous cholangiography transhepatična
This method involves the penetration of a long needle through the skin into the liver, followed by injection of radiocontrast agents in one of the liver bile ducts. To specify the doctor may use a needle UZ. Radiographs clearly show biliary system, especially the blockage in the liver.
Operations cholangiography
This method uses a radio-contrast material is visible on the Elo-in. The substance is injected directly into the bile ducts of the system during operation. Rtg then show a clear picture of the bile system.
Plain X-ray
This method can often demonstrate calcified gallstones.
A liver biopsy
A sample of the liver can be obtained during surgery in order to search, but more often gets the penetration of the needle through the skin into the liver. Before the procedure, the patient receives local anesthesia. Accommodation irregular areas where the sample is taken can be ordered with or with-CT. In most medical centers, liver biopsy is performed as an outpatient procedure.
After sampling a person remains in hospital for 3-4 hours, as there is a small risk of complications. The liver can be zaderana and can cause bleeding in the stomach. Bile may leak into the abdomen and lead to inflammation of the abdominal lining (peritonitis). Because bleeding may begin after 15 days, a person needs at that time remain within the hospital up to one hour. In about 2% of people making serious complications and problems of a process is killed 1:10.000. After a liver biopsy is a common mild pain in the upper right abdomen that spreads to the right armpit, and usually relieve analgesics.
In transvenske liver biopsy in the neck vein catheter to put the slips into the heart and placed into one of the hepatic veins coming from the liver. A needle catheter is placed through the vein wall to the liver. This technique is less likely to damage the liver than percutaneous liver biopsy and can be applied even in people who bleed easily.
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