Thursday, April 25, 2013

Diagnostic methods for diseases of the digestive system

Searches digestive system include endoscopes (endoscopic tube that doctors use to observe the internal structure and to obtain tissue samples from the inside of the body), x-ray, ultrasound, radioactive substances and chemical measurements. These tests can help diagnose, determine the place and sometimes treat disease.Some tests require that the digestive system clean of stool (feces), a 12.8-hour starvation, and the remaining do not require any preparation.
first steps in diagnosing problems are always history and physical examination. However, the symptoms of indigestion are often vague and doctors have difficulty to accurately determine what is wrong. Besides mental disorders such as anxiety and depression can affect the digestive system and contribute to symptoms. A physical examination of a person with digestive symptoms doctors examined the stomach (abdomen), anus and rectum.Stethoscope listening to unusual noises, and look for clusters of enlarged organs, determine whether that area sensitive to pressure, reviewed anus and rectum a finger at who pulled the glove and take a small sample to see the hidden (occult) bleeding. In women, a pelvic examination is often helpful in distinguishing digestive problems from gynecological. doctor recommends appropriate search based on the existing noise and site disturbance. 

REVIEW esophagus Searches barium, in which the patient swallows barium, often carried out in the esophagus. For such a test (called barium swallow porridge), doctors are trying to use fluoroscopy, continuous X-ray technique that allows observation or imaging as barium passes through the esophagus.
Fluoroscopy allows the doctor to see tightening esophagus and any anatomical defect such as narrowing or wounds. Often these views recorded on film or video tape. Besides liquid barium patient can get food-coated barium so that the doctor can determine the location of narrowing or see parts of the esophagus, which normally do not tighten. Both barium preparations taken together may indicate abnormalities such as folds of the esophagus (where the esophagus is partly blocked connective tissue), Zenkerov diverticulum (protrusion esophagus), erosion and early esophagus, esophageal varices (varicose ie varicose veins and izvijugane esophagus) and tumors. manometry is a test in which a tube with manometers along its surface placed in the esophagus. Using these devices (called gauge) doctor can determine whether tightening the esophagus normally expel food. During manometry may make esophageal pH test (test used to measure the acidity in the esophagus).Search is done to determine whether a person has acid reflux (return of stomach acid into the esophagus). One can make one or more measurements. IN Bernstein test (perfusion test acid in the esophagus), the esophagus is put through naso-gastric probe small amount of acid. This search is used to determine whether the chest pain caused by acid stimulation of the esophagus is a good way to detect inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis).Intubation is the process of pulling a small, flexible plastic tube through the nose or mouth into the stomach or small intestine. This procedure may be used for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. Although intubation in some patients may cause constipation and nausea, it is not painful. Pipe size is different depending on the purpose.nasogastric intubation (passage tube through the nose into the stomach) can be used to obtain a sample of gastric fluid. Doctors can then determine whether it contains blood or stomach juices can analyze the acidity of the stomach, enzymes and other properties. Samples of gastric fluid poisoned people can be analyzed to identify the poison. In some cases, the tube is left in place so that in the course of a few hours can take more samples.nasogastric intubation can be used to treat some diseases, such as the stomach can enter the cold water to prevent bleeding, poisons can deplete or neutralize Activated carbon, or people who can not swallow can provide liquid food. Sometimes nasogastric intubation is used to permanently remove the contents of the stomach. End of the tube is usually attached to the device for suctioning to remove gases from the stomach (gas) or liquid. This helps ease the pressure when the digestive system and blocked or otherwise not functioning normally. This procedure is used to obtain a sample of intestinal contents, permanently removing fluid or provide feed. Tube with a small device on the end of the tube can be used to perform a biopsy (obtaining a sample of small intestine to search). The tissue can be analyzed with respect to the enzyme activity, examined under a microscope or assessed in other ways. The procedure is not painful, because the stomach and small intestine without sensation of pain. 

Endoscopy is an examination of internal tissues through a pipe to observe (fiberendoskopa). When you pass through the mouth, the endoscope can be used to examine the esophagus (esophagoscopy), stomach (gastroscopy) and small intestine (upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy).When you pass through the anus, the endoscope can be used to examine the rectum and lower colon (sigmoidoscopy) and the entire colon (colonoscopy). Endoscopes in the diameter range from about 0.5 cm to 1 cm, and at a distance of about 30, 5 cm to 5 times more. Endoscopic video systems allow endoscopes are flexible and have a light source and a system for viewing. Many have endoscopes equipped with a small clothespin to take tissue samples and electric probe to destroy the abnormal tissue. Doctors can with the help of an endoscope to have a good insight into the surface of the digestive system. I can see the areas of irritation, ulcers (wounds), inflammation and abnormal tissue growth. Usually I take the samples for testing. Endoscopes can be used as therapy. Through a small channel endoscopes doctor can squeeze various types of instruments. Electrocautery can close blood vessels and stop the bleeding or to remove small tumors, a needle can be injected drugs in esophageal varices and stop their bleeding. Before her endoscope passed through the mouth, the person usually not a few hours before taking food. Food in the stomach can interfere with the doctor review, and can be recovered during the proceedings. Before endoscopy rectum and colon person usually takes laxatives and enemas gets to be completely cleared of chairs. complications due to endoscopy are relatively rare. Although endoscopes can injure or even puncture the digestive system, they often cause only irritation of the inner surface of the small intestine and bleeding. 

 Laparoscopy is abdominal cavity searches endoscope.Laparoscopy is usually done by the patient under general anesthesia. Once the appropriate area of skin washed with antiseptic, make a small incision, usually in the navel. Then put into the abdominal cavity endoscope. The doctor can look for tumors or other abnormalities, browse virtually every organ in the abdominal cavity, take samples and even work reparative surgical procedure. 

RTG SEARCH To assess digestive problems often used X-ray. Ordinary standard Rtg stomach does not require any preparation of patients. Radiographs are commonly used to show blockage or paralysis of the digestive system or abnormal images of air in the abdominal cavity.Such a standard X-ray and can show an increase and organs such as the liver, kidneys and spleen. barium examination often provides more information. After a person swallows barium, on the X-ray to look white and outlines the digestive system, showing the contours and coating the esophagus, stomach and small intestine.Barium in abnormal areas accumulates showing ulcers (sores), tumors, erosions, and esophageal varices.Radiographs can operate at intervals to determine where the barium is. Can also be used fluoroscope to observe movement of barium through the digestive system. This process can take on a movie for later viewing. Watching the barium passes through the digestive system, doctors can see how the esophagus and stomach, to determine whether their normal shrinkage and say if somewhere in the digestive system, there is a blockade of food.Barium can be given in the bowel wash to show the lower part of the colon. Then Rtg can show polyps, tumors and other structural abnormalities. This process may cause convulsive pains creating light to moderate discomfort. Barium taken by mouth or applied as an enema is finally excreted in the stool making the white chalk. Barium must be quickly removed after the test, because it can cause significant constipation. Some slight laxative can speed up the removal of barium. paracentesis paracentesis is the introduction of a needle into the abdomen and remove the fluid. Normally abdominal cavity outside the digestive system contains only a small amount of liquid. However, in some circumstances, the liquid can accumulate as it is at rupture (rupture) stomach or intestines, liver disease, cancer, or in the event of rupture (break) spleen. To obtain a sample of fluid for analysis or to remove excess weight, the doctor may use a paracentesis. before paracentesis make physical examination, sometimes accompanied by ultrasound to confirm that the abdominal cavity contains the excess liquid. After that, the area of skin, usually below the navel, washed with antiseptic solution and a small amount of anesthetic numbs. The doctor then pierced the skin and muscles of the abdominal wall in the area of accumulated fluid needle to which is attached to the syringe. For laboratory testing involves taking a small amount, and to alleviate stretch the abdominal wall is taken up to several liters. against your abdomen (stomach) with order to produce images of internal organs UZ (ultrasound) uses sound waves. Can show the shape and size of many organs such as the liver and pancreas, and may also indicate abnormal areas in them. TO may also indicate the presence of liquid. However, to examine the lining of the digestive system, it is not a good method and is therefore not used to search for tumors or cause bleeding in the stomach, small intestine or large intestine.

UZ is a painless procedure without any danger. Examiner (doctor or technician), press the small probe to the patient's abdominal wall and moving the transducer directs air waves in different parts of the abdomen. The image is then displayed on a video screen and recorded on videomedia.

REVIEW occult (hidden) BLEEDINGBleeding from the digestive system can be caused by something insignificant, like a small irritation or something serious like cancer. When bleeding heavily, a person may vomit blood, have light red blood in the stool or black, tarry stools (melena). Small amounts of blood that can not see or can not change the look of the chairs can be detected chemically, and the detection of small quantities may be an early indication of the existence of an ulcer (ulcer), cancer or other abnormalities. During rectal examination, the doctor gets a small amount of stool on a finger gloves . This pattern is placed on a piece of filter paper impregnated with chemicals. After the addition of other chemicals, the color of the sample, if there is blood changes. Another possibility is that people put samples from about three different chairs on filter paper which is then sent to the doctor for testing in special containers.If blood is detected, further tests to determine the cause.

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